You are SO cool !!
Nearly all Stealth Tiny Homes start out their service life as a bland, vanilla white cargo van. These vans are white because it is the best color to reflect heat and sunlight away, keeping the inside of the van as cool as possible.
There are several things we can to do further cool the interior during warm weather, and to warm up the inside during cold weather. Insulation keeps the internal temperature more even and minimizes the effect of weather related temperature change. This is most noticeable during Summer and Winter.
There are several things we can to do further cool the interior during warm weather, and to warm up the inside during cold weather. Insulation keeps the internal temperature more even and minimizes the effect of weather related temperature change. This is most noticeable during Summer and Winter.
Expanded polystyrene is neat stuff. Imagine the white styrofoam that they use to pack electronics in for shipping. That's it ! You can get sheets of this to use as insulation along the inside walls of your Stealth Tiny House. I went to Home Depot and got 4'x8' sheets that already had reflective mylar film covering one side. I had to cut the large sheets down to fit. Had I known I could get smaller sheets....well, hindsight is 20/20.
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Reflectix is awesome stuff. Think silver bubble wrap...the kind that NASA would use in the International Space Station. Well, that's pretty much this stuff. It's great at reflecting infra red radiation (heat) and it's a really good insulator. I lined the entirety of my Stealth Home interior walls, floor and roof with this stuff. It's durable, easy to replace and cheap if ordered in a large roll.
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If I had a do-over, I would have used this recycled denim (cotton) insulation matting to line the floor before I put the custom floor liner down. It's fire-retardant and does NOT require any kind of personal protective equipment (think respirator and gloves) to install. Super Easy, Clean and SAFE.
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This spray adhesive, 3M Super 77 is a mixed bag. It works great on some surfaces. Pick and choose where you use it. It worked great with the speaker box carpet install and also great with attaching Reflectix to the polystyrene insulation panels. It also worked well attaching Reflectix directly to the wheel well humps inside the Stealth Van.
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